Reuters Digital Health: Empowering Clinicians, Engaging Patients, Reviving Healthcare

Reuters Digital Health 2023 was held on March 16-17 in San Diego California. The event brought together more than 300 digital leaders to share ideas, network, and accelerate the transformation and delivery of digital care.

Pip Care exhibited at Reuters Digital Health – taking the time to connect with other industry experts and share how Pip offers health systems best-in-class perioperative care that is designed to improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, without increased staffing or complicated workflows.

The event focused on four key themes: health data, AI and automation in healthcare, consumer-driven care, and partnership and collaboration.

Kathy Kaluhiokalani at ReutersAt conferences such as Reuters Digital Health, Pip values thought leadership across the healthcare spectrum,” said Kathy Kaluhiokalani. “We are all working toward a future that allows technology to enable better outcomes for patients, while reducing burden on our clinicians.”

It’s clear that the future of healthcare will involve leveraging both digital tools, automation, and AI, alongside human interactions that have always been at the core of healthcare. Pip Care will surely be a part of that future and will continue to roll out tools that improve patient care, outcomes, and experience – while also supporting the entire care team. Pip is excited to a part of what’s next in healthcare.

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